Don't Be a Gun Toting Fool

Don't Be A Gun Toting Fool!!

If you choose to be a gun carrying member of society it is your duty, responsibility, and obligation to do everything in your power to de-escalate, avoid, or escape a dangerous encounter. Like it or not when you put that gun on you automatically adopt a higher level of care for society and those around you. It is a responsibility not to be taken lightly. 

One of our favorite sayings at ISP is, “just because you carry a gun DOES NOT mean that you are armed.” Your mindset will dictate the outcome of the fight, so it is imperative that you get yourself in the correct head space or frame of mind here and now. You need to ask yourself these hard questions and have them sorted out now. Questions such as, do you have the will to do what is necessary to survive an attack and more importantly do you have the skills and tools to avoid that attack in the first place? These are hard questions that require hard truths and deep thought.

As you progress through your training with us, we will teach you the skills needed to be HIGHLY effective with your firearm. That means you now carry the burden of responsibility for those skills. This also means that you need to be the best version of yourself when you are armed, which should be always.  

Your investment in this course, as well as yourself, shows that you care about doing what is right and that you have a level of understanding for what is being talked about in this section. At ISP we begin every class, whether it be live or virtual, with this question. What is your why? Meaning, what is driving you to seek and go through this training? Keep that in mind as you progress through this process.  

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