What's Your "Why"?

What’s Your “Why” Homework

For this homework assignment we want you to dedicate about 20-30 minutes to truly concentrate. Find a quite area where you can be alone with your thoughts. If you have some nice music or soothing sounds you like to lesson to in order to help you think go ahead and put those on.

During that 20-30 minutes we want you write out the reason(s) you are seeking this training. Your “Why.” The REAL why. The reason we say this is because the first answer you put is NOT the real reason. That is your superficial reason and will leave you when things get tough or shit hits the fan. Your real reason is much deeper than that, so you need to drill down, dig deep, and have an honest conversation with yourself. You’ll know you’re starting to find your real “why” when you start to feel or even lose control of your emotions. It’s ok if you end up crying. That’s what makes it real.  

This is a heavy subject but is vitally important, so don’t skip over this part! Your “why” is what drives you and will push you through seemingly impossible situations. If you have to use the skills you’re going to learn in this course in a real defensive encounter, do you know what you’re fighting for? Do you know what’s at stake if you lose, beyond you dying?

So, what are you really fighting for? 

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